Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Iron Man 3

                                                                 Rated 4.25 Stars

Many wanted to know exactly how Marvel would follow up after the Avengers. Now we know, and we are happy. Iron Man 3 immediately captivates the audience and foreshadows the rest of the film. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is being hounded mainly by his post traumatic stress, and also his relationship, and newest foe: the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley). I personally enjoyed the new director Shane Black over former director Jon Favreau. Iron Man 3 is filled with suspense on every corner. So many things keep us guessing. It also has enough action (maybe slightly too much) and Stark's natural humor. Guy Pearce plays Aldrich Killian as a mix of Justin Hammer from "Iron Man 2" and Buddy/Syndrome from "The Incredibles," and of course, adds his on twist. While still maintaining a few major differences from the comics, I definitely consider Iron Man 3. better than Iron Man 2. Apparently many people had similar views on this marvelous film because as of June 4th it is the 5th highest grossing worldwide film in history.

Victor Simmons

1 comment:

  1. dude this movie was toooo #hype. #swaggedup tbh they shouldn't terminate the trilogy, they should keep it going but not kill it too much
