Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tower Heist on DVD

The 2011 comedy Tower Heist is on DVD and Blu-Ray. It came out yesterday, on February 21. The film is about a manager named Josh (Ben Stiller) and his attempt to recover money lost in a Ponzi scheme by a invester named Arthur Shaw (Alan Alda). Josh works with a criminal named Slide (Eddie Murphy) and others such as the tower's new wotker Enrique. THe film is hilarious, mainly because of Eddie Murphy's remarks. I rated it an "A" on the grade scale and advise you see this film. The action and humor combine and make it terrific.


  1. Me and some of my cousins went to go see this movie back in November. It was pretty good but not one of Eddie Murphy's best. The jokes were a little corny and not delivered at the right time.
    Rating: C+

  2. this movie was pretty funny ; should go triple platinum in my book even though it's not a song. funniest, most #based comedy ever ! katt williams should have made a cameo though
